Inspiring Books
Sofia Valdez Future Prez
The story of a young girl taking on the role of a leader, bymaking a positive impact in her community after being told she was too young to.
La historia de una niñaque asume la posición de líder, altener un impacto positivo en su comunidad después de que le dijeron que erademasiado joven para hacerlo.
Iggy Peck's Big Project Book for Amazing Architects
A book of activities based on thebook “Iggy Peck, Architect,” meant to encourage problem solving and engineering.
Un libro de actividades basado enel libro "Iggy Peck, Arquitecto", destinado a fomentar la resolución de problemas y la laingeniería.
If I Built a Car
With energetic rhyme and action-packed artwork to match, If I Built a Car sure to fuel any young inventor with big plans and grand imaginations.
Pablo ha diseñado lo último en autos fantásticos. Inspirado en zepelines y trenes, Cadillacs y aviones viejos, con colores brillantes y mucho cromo resplandeciente, esta maravilla genial está ¡lista para viajar! Tiene chimenea, piscina y ¡hasta tiene un bar! Luego de un paseo por el fabuloso interior, Roberto el Robot enciende el motor . . . Pablo y su papá parten rumbo a la prueba de rodaje más increíble de la historia.
A Tiny Inventor In The Making
Even when stumbling blocks stand in the way, it is important to face them head on! Shawn loves to tinker with machines! When he plans to enter a school contest for a one of a kind invention, Shawn just knows he will take home the prize. Shawn quickly realizes that it is not as easy as he thinks. Come along on this slippery slope as he goes through a series of obstacles to complete the task. This beautifully illustrated children’s book inspired by one little boy’s love for invention will encourage its readers to be resilient, brave, and believe they can overcome any bumps in their way.
Rox's Secret Code
A coding adventure about a brilliant inventor and her runaway robot,Rox's Secret Codeaims to inspire the next generation of female leaders in STEM!
Rosie Revere, Engineer
A young girl with a passion for engineering sets out to create adevice with the ability to y, and when it doesn’t work out, she learns the meaning of perseverance.
Una joven apasionada por laingeniería se propone crear undispositivo con la capacidad de volar, y cuando no funciona, aprende el signicado de laperseverancia.
Ada Twist, Scientist
Inspired by Ada Lovelace and Marie Curie, this book is about a young scientist’s journey of learning science, and never giving up.
Inspirado por Ada Lovelace yMarie Curie, este libro trata sobre elviaje de un joven cientíco para aprender ciencias y nunca darse por vencido.
The Astronaut With A Song For The Stars: The Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa
The journey of Dr. Ellen Ochoa, the firrst Hispanic woman to go to space, and former director of Johnson Space Center.
El viaje de laDra. Ellen Ochoa, la primera mujer hispana en ir al espacio, y ex directora del CentroEspacial Johnson.
How to Code a Rollercoaster
Pearl and her trusty rust-proof robot, Pascal, are enjoying a day out at the amusement park. Spinning teacups, ice cream, and of course: rollercoasters! Through the use of code, Pearl and Pascal can keep track of their ride tokens and calculate when the line is short enough to get a spot on the biggest ride of them all--the Python Coaster. Variables, if-then-else sequences, and a hunt for a secret hidden code make this a humorous, code-tastic day at the amusement park!​
The Plan for the Gingerbread House: A STEM Engineering Story
The gingerbread man and woman need a new home! A team of kids struggle to create the perfect gingerbread house. The project guidelines are clear: the winning house must stand upright on its own and a gingerbread boy and girl must fit inside.Sounds easy?